DCP-7: Quarterly Distribution From dHEDGE DAO Protocol Treasury

Header Content
Author Henrik Andersson
Created 2021-9-30
Status Completed


This DCP is made to formalise the process of quarterly distributions from the dHEDGE DAO Protocol Treasury (dHEDGE)


We suggest there is a quarterly vote that will decide the share of the Protocol Treasury that will be distributed to stakers. The stakers will likely make their decision based on a judgement about the short-term rewards vs. long-term growth of the Protocol Treasury. Distribution will be in the form of DHT after an open market buy-back using the share of Protocol Treasury funds.


The necessary transactions will be executed by core contributors after a vote has taken place.


Vote passed.


Q3 Distributions from dHEDGE DAO Protocol Treasury have been processed

In line with the above governance vote, $142k has been liquidated and used to buy back DHT for distribution to DHT stakers.
This came to a total of 131,365 DHT

Claim here: dHEDGE