DFP-38: Pre-approve all future assets

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Author Edson Ayllon (@relativeread)
Created 2022-10-12
Status Draft


This DFP would expedite the process of adding new assets.

New assets are valuable to managers, as it allows more options to create performance for their investors.

Assets can be added indiscriminately as long as they meet the minimum criteria, then managers can choose for themselves which assets fit their risk profile for their pool.


This DFP would approve adding any tokens that can be added to dHEDGE. The tokens to be added should meet the following criteria:

  1. Have an oracle so the pool can be priced
  2. Have sufficient liquidity

What constitutes as “sufficient liquidity” includes tokens that can trade $10k in value for less than 5% slippage.


Assets would be added through a contract upgrade.

Any user who would like an asset added which meets this criterion can make a request to add an asset by making a forum post in the Ecosystem category, or reaching out to a core contributor on Discord.


Link to vote.