Author: Infinite Trading
Created: Creation date in 2024-02-15
Status: Draft
Description: We propose the addition of three new vaults to the dHedge Yield section. These vaults have demonstrated strong performance and offer attractive opportunities for our platform’s users.
- Offers stable returns in USD.
- Outperforms other USD Stablecoin Yield and Market Neutral Yield options.
- Shows strong performance compared to similar options like Toros Finance Ethereum Yield.
- By adding these vaults, users can diversify their investment strategies and potentially increase their returns.
- The performance of these vaults showcases their potential to enhance the offerings within the dHedge platform.
Implementation: It’s easy to white-list vault tokens into the front-end and dhedge smart contracts.
Conclusion: The addition of the USD Savings and Ethereum Savings vaults to the dHedge Yield section presents an opportunity for our users to access new avenues for yield generation. This expansion aligns with our commitment to providing diverse and high-performing investment options within the platform.
Please consider this proposal for further discussion and implementation.
Thank you.