DFP-66: Add GMX V2 as an Integration

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Author Edson Ayllon (@relativeread)
Created 2025-02-04
Status Draft


Adding GMX V2 as an integration will provide the following for dHEDGE managers:

  • Access to Perps trading on Arbitrum with deep liquidity
  • Ability to basis trade on Arbitrum between perp dexes
  • Yield opportunities in providing liquidity to GMX


GMX is the leading perps exchange on Arbitrum as of this proposal. Multiple versions of GMX exist, for this integration we’ll be adding the latest, V2.

Both perps and liquidity provisioning for GMX are to be whitelisted by this proposal.


Contract guards will be designed to whitelist GMX V2 as an integration. Rollout will happen after the new GMX guards complete audit.

This integration will be available on a case by case basis, with whitelisting. This is due to actions on GMX not being atomic, and involving async transactions involving keepers.


Vote pending.

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Thanks for writing this proposal Edson, some questions;

What will be the requirements for fund to be whitelisted for this integration?

This proposal mentions the use of keepers, will these be operated by dHEDGE or by the managers?

Has a risk assessment been done by the dHEDGE team regarding this integration? Are pool investors exposed to additional risks due to the complexity of GMX or its integration?

The keepers are on GMX side. Not run by dhedge or managers.

Existing vaults are not exposed to additional risk for this integration. Vault managers must turn this integration on by adding GMX perps as an asset.

There’s no requirement criteria, as the ability to block withdrawals is controlled entirely by the manager. Currently Toros may receive a whitelist as the project is run by dHEDGE. However we hope to make it open to everyone in a future version.