DFP-9: Add dUSD Support

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Author Henrik Andersson
Created 2021-10-26
Status Completed


dUSD is a dHEDGE native asset for stablecoin yield: dHEDGE With dUSD support, dHEDGE managers will be able to generate a yield on assets otherwise sitting idle.


We anticipate there will be adequate dUSD liquidity available through a Balancer with USDC and Frax.


The described asset can be added as assets on dHEDGE V2 contracts through governance.


Vote passed.

Roadmap card


Totally support this DFP. Could we please combine it with the dTOP support ? !!! Please !!! (even with DHT token!)

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Nice progress, I totally support this.

Very much a yes for supporting this proposal .
Example is when a manager takes a few days off- atleast we can trade into dUSD and still generate gain.
We can also do this for balancer and receive Bal LP rewards for bal-frax-usdc I’m assuming …
great addition for the managers


dTOP would be a bit tricky because it’s on Ethereum, not Polygon (would need a safe oracle feed).
Agree with you on DHT!

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