dHEDGE major upgrade planned

In around 24hrs dHEDGE will be undergoing a major upgrade! :partying_face:

This will involve pausing all contracts on the platform including: deposits, withdrawals and trades. This upgrade includes DFP-4.

:spiral_calendar: When: Wednesday 29th September 3 am UTC

The upgrade is expected to take around 2-3hrs. Once complete 1inch will be the default DEX for Polygon pools on V2! :fire: :unicorn:

1inch integration gives managers more flexibility by utilizing multiple liquidity sources to reduce slippage. As 1inch has deeper liquidity on more assets, this will allow whitelisting more assets to trade on dHEDGE.

We will update once the upgrade is complete. :hedgehog:

Please note this upgrade has been completed. :hedgehog:

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