Integrate dHedge pools into mobile wallet apps to reach new users and accelerate TVL growth

Hi everyone,

My name is Max and I’m the CEO of Cinch. We simplify dApp integrations into mobile apps so that dHedge pools can reach new users.

Financial products need distribution channels

In traditional finance people interact with financial products through investment platforms. Robinhood is the classic example: people buy stocks (financial product) via the Robinhood app (investment platform). Investment platforms are very good at building mobile apps and acquiring new users. Investment platforms are how financial products get distribution.

The same thing is happening with decentralized financial products.

Crypto friendly investment platforms are natively integrating DeFi products. They do this because native integrations provide a better user experience. Metamask recently did this with Lido and Rocket Pool (for browsers). Mobile wallets like Argent, imToken, Outlet, Frontier, and XDEFI have native integrations with dApps. Even giants like Robinhood and Kraken are building non-custodial wallets to keep users in their mobile apps.

Native integrations into mobile wallet apps would put dHedge pools in front of many new users and would result in significant TVL increase.

Cinch Partnership

Cinch simplifies dApp integrations by automating the revenue-share between DeFi products and investment platforms.

We are working with many mobile wallet apps looking to integrate DeFi products including Frontier Wallet, Stablecorp, and Outlet.Finance.

Next steps

The purpose of this post is to get in touch with the dHedge team and community.

If this is something the dHedge community would consider as a way of reaching new users and driving TVL growth, we can set up introductions between dHedge and our partners.

Below are high-level steps to implementing a partnership:

  • Team introductions
  • Agree on structure
  • Deploy smart contracts

We look forward to getting feedback and connecting with the dHedge team.

Thanks everyone for your time and consideration in reading this.


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Adding links that may be helpful because I was capped at two:

  1. Doxxing myself
  2. Cinch landing page
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