The democratic opposition discussion

Hello, everyone!

I will start with the further, the more worried I am about the project’s work as a significant holder of DHT. Developers will deny no updates and strange suggestions to tax big holders to buy more coins or payments.
Eco-Community does not have any achievements at the moment.

Payouts from the pool of commissions, which are the only economic value, occur under an unclear mechanism and in an unclear timeframe. Having experience in several DAOs, I can say that such signs usually do not end very positively.

I have some ideas that we can implement after a short period.

Network and transaction statistics.
Since most users are not very familiar with the peculiarities of working with Etherscan, I propose to make the simplest explorer with statistics. That is a week or two, and we can already have a ready version. I will do it for free as I am interested in the project as a significant investor.

I feel that payouts need to ask the developers of projects and information on this very little. I have suggestions to fix the annual income for all participants by 20% per annum, as even the most simple instrument investment can guarantee from 3-10% per annum. I have a few ideas on how we can quickly and safely implement this process.

We need to vote for any DHT move as there is abuse by developers in the payout. You should all understand that the roadmap states that Developers will be paid in tokens. It would be fair to control and solve the issues among investors in our interest, or it’s a pittance for such a DAO.

Proposals for voting I suggest discussing even if they are from the developer’s side. You should clearly understand what we vote for and for what purpose. If you do not have understanding, please ask and whether here on the forum or in discord.

Weekly obligatory reports from the developers on the stage of the project and what was done during the week.

My nickname in discord @vslava. I wish safe investing to all.

One solution is to switch to a transparent DAO protocol. We can use Aragon. Now the largest organizations in DEFI work on it.

We will simplify the mechanism of voting and allocation of budgets, and start to control costs.

Switching to a system where a member contributes his DHT to a smart contract with a multi-sign wallet receives votes will be more effective and independent.

All DAO members who transfer their tokens(DHT) to receive votes will be able to dispose of the primary value of the project in the form of the main pool of commissions plus DHT tokens unlocking.

The benefits:

  • DAO can integrate voting and rewards for votes

  • Quick decision making, transparency in the operation

  • Quick independent payouts

The first step we can take for an independent vote and control of the budget funds


As noticed by some users in discord, the function responsible for withdrawing funds in the smart contract Stablier is used without providing a comment from the developers.

The option when we vote for each transaction and allocation of new DHTs would be correct and fair.

Auditing what the team has already done in the form of transactions also will be a good point.

Such a model of society you will make and boost developers to work and develop the project.

I see only a bright future in decentralization and openness, equality, and justice.

Buyback since DHT tokens that are in circulation any way. I think the move to transition buybacks from the market has the right to life. We can start buybacks quickly with the Aragon DAO platform easily.

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I can only support more transparancy for dht-holders. The main goal from my perspective up till now was growing interest and userbase for this project, which is occurring.

However, going forward, I agree with more transparency on development and decision making front, although I’m not interested in fine-grained control, but more follow-up that certain goals are being achieved. The thing missing here, although it may have been discussed more in the chatrooms from which I have been absent, is the development-roadmap. This is something that is present in all projects that I know of, but missing here completely. So, I’m also very interested in what has been developed and going live shortly. In most other projects the developers are also more vocal to be honest with frequent ama’s.

I think that your above suggestions make complete sense if we want to have a healthy dao that advances this project. This also benefits the users of the solution as they see it’s maintained openly as a real blockchain-project with clear goals and management.

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The roadmap is public, kept up-to-date with the Medium posts. You can see the latest update here: dHEDGE V2 — Roadmap Update. It’s unbelievable to think we’re only a… | by Daniel Bar 丹尼尔👩🏼‍🎤 | dHEDGE_ORG | May, 2021 | Medium.

As far as keeping a more visual, current version of the roadmap, we can do so with canny

Could you provide a source for this? The developers are mostly paid in USDC.

I suggest you go to the above link and see how sad it is. should use as a tool for feedback, not for proggers of current status.

Since we do not understand how much of the budget is allocated for development day/mo/year, make it clear.

Also please explain the transaction from this smartcontract.

Why payouts not go with DAO budget approve USDC?

Can you provide source of this?

I am for balance and quorum in all decisions

Thanks for the info. Can the medium-channel please be linked from the website? This would really help. The canny-link would also be good to link from the site or in the developer-docs. Anyway, I haven’t seem them there.

There has been however a long time where no insights into the new platform has been discussed/shown since that article and I think most investors are highly interested however. So, a sort of ama or progress on this would have been great in the meantime. It would also generate more interest into the dhedge, which benefits everyone. I really started to worry lately myself as I wasn’t seeing any developer-feedback except from some twitter-posts. As this project advances, it seems logical we align the dht-token with the project’s interests and have a clear view of it’s longterm path.

The canny is relatively new, and underutilized. But it should work for roadmaps, such as how Zerion does their roadmap

It should already be linked in the footer of the landing page, and the app. Whenever there’s a new medium post, it’s published in the Twitter and Discord.

Good idea. The canny is in the current V2 app. There’s a PR to add it to the current version right now. I’ll see where it’s appropriate to place in the docs.

Good answer now try to explain what it’s and where I can read more info about it?

Yes but this is not dhedge, and nothing inside in our road map

It’s pretty self-explanatory from Etherscan, those are Sablier transactions. You can read more about it here:

As I said, it’s underutilized right now. I’m suggesting to fill it out with our roadmap and the current progress of it, as the roadmap is already outlined in the Medium. It would be more real-time.

Also, if a community member suggests something that gains wider community traction, it would be visible there the progress of it.

Keeping a roadmap on the website as some projects have it, without community member feedback, would be too centralized imo.

I understand but do not understand how the money comes to it and how it is distributed. Because only the owner understands the ultimate beneficiaries and the origin of the funds.
I think everyone would be interested.

And not answered why 120k distributed from contract and for what

Thanks. I am not the enemy.

The Sablier contracts wrt USDC are the developer salaries. These fund the development of the app.

Making the developer salaries more transparent has ethical implications wrt privacy. If these were put up to vote, each developer would know the salary of all the other developers. This could be a source of conflict within the team when salaries differ.

Also, many of these people prefer if their online identities remain private. Putting these to DAO vote could lead to attaching an identity to pseudonymous addresses.

As for the DHT transactions, Sablier was used for vesting. Many of those streams predated developer salaries.

As far as a single owner setting up those streams, it’s a Gnosis-safe multi-sig. So, not a single owner.

Thanks for the explanation. Maybe this could bring us to the point then to the token-distribution (x% for salaries, y% for marketing, …). There is maybe no need to understand each individual salary, but total fund and to what it’s going should be clear. Even if it’s per year, instead of per month, …


Why can’t we generalize salaries like budget and development costs on the vote? If we need the privacy of such transactions and their amounts we can always use an off-the-shelf solution for that.
Why not move like hundreds of other DAOs to a more transparent platform. After all, all such issues can be easily solved there.
This creates a lot of room for speculation.

But we see the transaction for six people same of DHT and staked

Why the profit from the project in the hand of the dev? Much more motivated vDHT in saving and growth than the developers

It is apparently, but that’s a long way down to find this. Most sites have a blog that-menu-header that’s easily accessible as it shows immediately how active a project is. And being active is very important when dealing with people’s money :). Anyway, I would recommend to make it more accessible and visible, which it hopefully is in v2. Looking forward to seeing the first glimpses of it btw! High expectations :).

I just added some fr’s to canny, but looking at the other ones, there’s not a lot of developer-feedback, or even whether it has been implemented or up for implementation. I hope the status of a ticket can be more clear, or else you should use gitlab or github which supports this. There is also gogs if you want to host a github-like interface yourself.

And it really can’t look like that for a project that will soon be a year old. This only raises questions about the management of the project.

I can make examples from my real offline dev work

If we work with smart contracts and our goal is an open, transparent community. I trust the quorum and general voting more than a few lines on the medium about the roadmap.

Answers like we can’t tell you the salary we pay for your money sound like a commercial product and not an open-source community

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but truth and solutions are better than silence and inaction.

That can definitely happen. Currently, vDHT only decides capital that goes into the Uber Pool. It is made pretty transparent in the docs.

Currently, nothing from the Uber Pool is paid out to anyone from the core team and is paid entirely to the stakers.

If we were to start voting on what percentage of the Uber Pool goes to development costs, then we could, as nothing from the Uber Pool currently goes to developers.

Developers are paid from income from referrals (such as Synthetix trading fees). Income from referral payments isn’t decided by vDHT currently.

What do you mean by this? Do you have a source for this, as it’s the first time I’m hearing this.